a. Expand your city and upgrade various items with gold.
b. Build and upgrade your city’s structures with the amount bread, log,
crystal, ore and silver icons and with other resources as well.
c. Just tap to build out your city in an empty square spaces. Every blank
square represents the ability to build structures. Simply tap them to
d. Just build your means of production like farms,
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ironworks, crystal mines
and sawmills in the surrounding walls of the citadel.
e. Try to scout or attack surrounding islands to expand your territory,
population and resources.
f. Just create the interconnected building types then upgrade their
abilities from the main Citadel view page by tapping them.
g. Try to level up by building and upgrading structures, expanding your
territory and most importantly,
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completing the games missions so that you can
add new structure types and earn gold, speed tokens to reduce cooldown times of
your research and building creation or upgrades.
h. Make sure to have enough means of production to defend yourself against
other player’s attacks when completing missions in this game.
i. Follow the suggested missions to build up your city and claim the
mission rewards as resources including gold and speed tokens.
j. Completing these missions will also help you level up and continue to
get stronger to expand your city and defend yourself against incoming
k. In order to defense against attack just build a solid force through the
training grounds and build up your ramparts. And joining an alliance will help
defend your island from attack from another player
l. Try to win the war by building a functioning and flourishing city, so
make sure to take time to complete the in-game missions to ensure everything you
need is in place and well resourced.
m. Get more rewards and extra resources and money from every mission you
n. Make sure your city is fully ready first before going into
o. Just keep tabs on what Alliances are looking for new members when the
chat window is small getting a little too fast to keep a track of at
p. Remember as alliances also have different goals which will be ensuring
both passive and aggressive players to join in the social strategy of this game.